Have you ever wanted to finally clean your closet? To get rid of any unwanted and unnecessary clothes? This is the place which you always leave for last and at the end, you never have enough time to deal with it. Maybe, today is the day to finally roll up your sleeves and finish the task.

Cleaners London can’t really come to your house and start arranging your closet. What they can do, is to give you some useful instructions, which can help you deal with the task right now.

  1. Put all your clothing on your bed. When your closet is empty, start cleaning it. Soap water should be enough to clean it, but if it’s more contaminated than that, you should use a professional detergent.
  2. Start sorting your clothes in three baskets – to keep, to throw away and undetermined. Keep the clothes that you will really wear so they won’t just collect dust. Into the “throw away” basket, put all the clothes you don’t wear and donate or sell them. Go through the clothes in the “undetermined” basket and decide which to keep and which to remove. (don’t spare any clothes that you don’t need – give them to friends or to charity, sell them online or just throw them away – another option is to keep a few and use them for rags). If you choose to donate, I can sure you that you will feel really good, knowing that you did a good for someone.
  3. Now, when you have decided which clothes you will keep, make separate piles of the following clothes and put them onto shelves: T-shirts, shorts, jeans, sweaters, tank-tops. Hang up blazers, vests, jackets or anything that will wrinkle very easily. Put any socks, belts or undergarments in the dresser. If you always try to coordinate your outfit, you can help yourself in advance and organize your clothes by colour.
  4. Organize your shoes the same way as your clothes.
  5. Spray the closet with an air sanitizer. You can also use a nice laundry smell or some citrus smell.

Now, when your closet is completely cleaned, you can relax and reward yourself – you did an awesome job. You are now as good as a professionally trained cleaner from a cleaning London company.